Newsletter XV

Hey, internet people,

It’s been a while since the last newsletter and there is quite some news this time! 


Today – more precisely right now! – marks the release of the first of what shapes out to be four new releases this year: MINENFELD // NOIR. It is our first collaboration with an artist not hailing from the whole “Metal” genre we’re usually in and about. Since I’m bad at promo texts, here’s a quote from Nino (Endurance to hell, transcended music blog):

“Dolchstoß // Fear is a collaboration track between the well known german underground death metal band MINENFELD and noise artist NOIR. This exclusive work is no traditional split. It merges the filthy and brutal death metal of MINENFELD with the noisy electronic sound-scapes of NOIR. Both artists have come together for the first time to give you relentless audio terror to add more depth to MINENFELD’s sound than ever in the band’s entire history. In summary Dolchstoß meets Fear!”
The collaboration is now available as a limited run of 100 tapes via BLACK TAPES, printed black on black with much love and dedication. Get a tape here:

And give it a listen here (or on our bandcamp page):

A huge THANK YOU to Matze from Black Tapes and Nino for their support!!! And of course to Hannah // NOIR for doing this with us!

While this may seem like enough of a reason for a newsletter, there are actually two more things to announce:
WEBSITEWe’ve decided to move away from bandcamp as our main merch shop and instead go for a more DIY approach – we made our own webstore. All current and future merch articles can be found there, as well as some memorabilia and archive pictures (which will be expanded in the future).
Check it out!


And last but not least:


To “celebrate” the new website, the first release in 2 years and all that, we’ve added a preorder for our first ever hoodie to the shop. It will feature a front and back print of our logo and the classic “Nazistecher” motive (Death to the fascist beast!). 
If you want one, there are now 3 weeks for preordering it:

Let us know what you think – about the record, about the whole website thing and if you run into any complications with it (we didn’t hire anyone to do that, so some things might still be a bit whacky!)

Cheers and hugs,